Man standing in front of employees

Staff retention is one of the biggest challenges for employers now. So, what can employers do to retain staff? 

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Addressing employee retention

By sponsors Loch Associates Group

Staff retention is one of the biggest challenges for employers now. So, what can employers do to retain staff? 

Often, we think salary is key. However, Loch Associates found in a recent survey they did, that 65% of younger staff were more concerned about their working conditions as opposed to salary. 

Being flexible and offering hybrid working arrangements to existing staff as well as to new starters is important. Many employers are starting to offer 4-day weeks which is a great idea and can be attractive to staff if it works for the business. Employers should review their current benefits package and how they approach staff wellbeing, as this can be an important factor for employees as well. 

Having a clear pathway for career development with training and development opportunities is also important to retain staff and making people feel valued, not only improves employee morale but also stimulates fresh ideas. 

Loch Associates believe, from their experience of delivering training to clients, that employees (and their employers) can really benefit from enhanced skills. From an employer’s perspective, having managers who are trained and confident in dealing with sensitive situations effectively, is critical to help keep the workforce engaged. 

Simply saying ‘thank you’ is also one of the most important ways to make staff feel appreciated – it highlights their value and how important they are to the business.

If you would like further information or assistance on this topic, please get in touch with Pam Loch, Employment Solicitor and Managing Director of Loch Associates Group. Pam’s team of Employment Law Solicitors and HR Consultants can guide you through and help you manage your team.